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We Hope to See You Soon!

My wife Janet and I have had the privilege of serving the Lord for over 35 years in such places as Brazil, New York, Minnesota, Ohio and Arizona. One of the things I have learned is that we were not created to live life as "Lone Rangers." God designed us to need others, help others and thrive as we live in community together. It is the Holy Spirit who does the work of renewing, healing and transforming, but we are allowed the privilege of being conduits within that process.

Living Word Community Church is a great place to grow and feel welcomed in the midst of a diverse community of people who love Jesus and want to glorify God. Our Sunday Worship Celebration follows a blended format that includes contemporary praise choruses and traditional hymns, along with encouragement and challenge from God's Word.

At Living Word you'll find a Christ-centered community for all people, strong biblical teaching and opportunities to grow and serve. We believe that God's Word is inerrant, living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and the primary means by which He communicates with us today. Jesus is the Word made flesh that dwelt among us (John 1), came to earth and was crucified but did not remain dead. He is both the Living Word and the Living God who is coming again.

Followers of Jesus share five characteristics of a vital faith:

  • Regular participation in worship.
  • Daily devotion and personal prayer.
  • Personal growth through Bible study and group learning opportunities.
  • Financially supporting the Kingdom of God.
  • Sharing God's love in mission and service to others.

We invite you to join us as we endeavor to be a living community where love is felt, lives are changed, the Holy Spirit embraced, and the world engaged.

God’s best!

Missionary Pastor David Abel